Alexandra is an Irish Craftsperson from the West of Ireland, currently living in Surrey, England. She is a graduate from London College of Fashion (University of the Arts London ) with a BA in.. (continued)

Priscilla Irish Crochet Book No1 (1912)
As a celebration of Irish Crochet Lace, and as a method for teaching myself, I am currently working through the Priscilla Irish Crochet Book No1 (1912). You can read more about my first 6 months of Irish Crochet here
If you would like to see the motifs and designs as I make them I post daily on instagram @crochetciuin

Priscilla Sample Book
Irish Crochet Diary by Crochet Ciúin
"The aim of the worker should be to produce the most artistic work she is capable of; therefore if by altering a curve, or by adding a leaflet to any sprig, she would make a design more pleasing to herself, she should not for one moment hesitate to follow her artistic instinct. It is the power to do this which makes Irish crochet so very fascinating."
Page 3, Priscilla Irish Crochet Book No1 (1912), Antique Pattern Library